Consecration Sunday!

Tomorrow Time, Treasures, Talents and Tasty Yum Yums

All Saints traditionally celebrates Consecration Sunday in late October, but this year we are moving our celebration closer to Thanksgiving. On Consecration Sunday, we give thanks to God by making a financial commitment to support the mission and ministries of All Saints. This year, we have so much to be thankful for, and over the next few weeks, we will explore how God is working through us at All Saints. Following the service, we will celebrate in fellowship at the chili potluck.

Sunday, November 20th is a big day in the life of All Saints, combining Consecration, Christ the King, Cleanup and Chili Sunday all in one great celebration of Extravagant Gratitude! We will formally welcome Janet and Hendrith as new members during the service, we have a chili cookoff, we recommit to our All Saints financial life, and we tidy up the church! Afterwards we will enjoy our monthly potluck.

If you are aware of a Saint that does not have social media, please pass this information along.

Time: Tidy Up The Church

We really need your help!

We will take some time to vacuum out the nooks and crannies where the dust bunnies hide, wipe down some walls and assorted chores. Wear your cleaning clothes (Pastor will be in hers!) as well steward our time, talent and treasure together. Please and thanks!

Easy Sign Up

You can sign up here: Please note any supplies you are bringing! Some things that would be helpful are below (but are not limited to this list!):

  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Steam Cleaner
  • Vacuums

For more information or questions:

Contact Mark Brown at for more information on the tasks for the day.

Tasty! It’s the Chili Cookoff!

The Potluck theme is “Chili Cookoff!” Join us after the service for a chili sensation where folks are brining in their recipes! Chili Cook-off is open to all chili -spicy or mild, red or white, meatless or meat-lovers.

The potlucks are held on the third Sunday each month, as long as it is safe to do so. Remember, many hands make the burden lighter, so we always need your help. Please arrive at 10:00 am to help set up tables and chairs, plates, napkins, silverware, salt & pepper, food warmers, serving dishes, etc. Masks are encouraged, but not required. Please remember to bring a copy of your recipe for these homemade dishes! 🙂

The next scheduled date after this Sunday is December 18th where the theme is Five Ingredients or Less; be creative while limiting the number of ingredients!

Treasures: Extravagant Giving

During the service, we will offer our Estimates of Giving to support the mission and ministries of All Saints in 2023. You may make your pledge using the 2023 Estimates of Giving Form, or you may complete a card at Sunday’s service. If you use this form, it will go directly to our Financial Secretary, Emily Summerlot.

We hope that you have been using the Extravagant Gratitude Journal to reflect on your daily blessings. In addition, we thank Emily DeMarco and Kim and Rob Watson for their recent testimonies to help you prepare for Consecration Sunday.

Once you discern how to respond with your financial resources, please use the Google form to complete an Estimate of Giving by Sunday. During the service, you may also complete a card, so your pledge can be consecrated and added to the total in time for the Consecration Sunday celebration during the chili potluck.

Thank you for helping to make the mission and ministries of All Saints even more impactful.

Talents: Showing Gratitude

Gratitude Journal

This year’s stewardship team has prepared a 20 day Gratitude Journal for this season’s stewardship message. Each day, she asks that we reflect on that day’s scripture and take a moment to think of and write down 3 things for which we are grateful.

There are several ways that this church family is integrating this Gratitude Journal into our everyday workings.

There are two versions of the Gratitude Journal available to you.

1. Gratitude Journal, Prompts Only
For those that have their own journals and only want the prompts.

2. Gratitude Journal, Space for Writing
For those that would like their writing next to their prompts.

2022 Extravagant Gratitude Playlist

Let us know the songs that inspire in you praise, gratitude, and thanksgiving to our Creator. We will be adding them to a playlist on our YouTube channel from our community so that we may share this gratitude with each other!

Requirements and instructions include:

  1. They don’t have to be classically church songs, but they do have to be rated G.
  2. Submit music in the form of a YouTube link. Most music can be found on YouTube, and this way everyone can access it.
  3. Submit the music at this link:

You can find the playlist here:


The Grapevine is fixed!


One thought on “Consecration Sunday!

  1. The play list is fantastic. I have changed my “Favorite” hymn. It used to be “His eye is on the sparrow” since childhood cuz my mom sang it all the time. Now it’s “Come Thou Fount” b/c it touches me so much more. Praise the Lord.! Blessings on all of you as you perform all of your Activities.

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