Scholarship Program

Scholarship Program (2025)

All Saints Lutheran Church and Pastor Wanda McNeill SCHOLARSHIP Program (2025)

All Saints Lutheran Church Scholarships

ASLC Scholarship Applications Due by April 15
Please note that applications for ASLC Scholarship awards are due by April 15!
Scholarship application forms are located in the links below. The forms are easy to complete, taking less than 10 minutes. The ASLC Scholarship Committee is happy to assist.
The ASLC Scholarship award, established in 2003, is given to students of the ASLC congregation attending a college, university or trade school. Scholarships are not based on financial need or any other qualifiers such as grades. Awards are funded by the generous contributions of members and friends of All Saints.  
If you would like to support the youth of ASLC in this way, please consider donating to the ASLC Scholarship Program. You may donate weekly, monthly, or yearly during our May Scholarship Campaign. All money collected goes to students. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the church office.

1.  Eligibility Criteria:

 The following is the eligibility criteria:

  • Open to any member of All Saints Lutheran Church, Bowie, Maryland
  • Applicants must be active in the life of the All Saints congregation
  • Recipients must be enrolled or planning to enroll in a 2 or 4 year college, or technical/trade school by the beginning of the 2025 School Term. 

2.  How to apply:

The Standard Initial Application contains three parts and all must be completed:

  • The first part consists of formatted questions intended to identify you, the applicant.
  • The second part is an essay, which gives you an opportunity to describe yourself.
  • The third part is references, one letter from a school official: guidance counselor, teacher, coach, etc., and the other from an All Saints Lutheran Church member. These letters address your qualifications for the scholarship and why others believe you are likely to succeed in your plans for the future.

The Scholarship Renewal Application for continuing students contains only one part.

3.  Application Availability: Copies of the application are at the above links (click applicable item above).

4.  Application Submission: Applications must be typed or clearly handwritten, not include any GPA or financial data, and may be submitted in one of three ways:

  • electronically via email to the church office or committee member
  • sent via US mail
  • dropped off at the church

5. All Saints Lutheran Church Scholarship applications are available online.  All applications for school year 2025-2026 are due by April 15, 2025.

6. Selection & Award Process:  The All Saints Lutheran Church Scholarship Committee will review all applications and make arrangements for awards to student recipients.

  • Award amounts will be determined by the number of complete applications received by the deadline, awards approved, and funds available.
  • The results of the Scholarship Committee’s review and awards will be reported to the Congregation by the Committee no later than the first Sunday in August.

7.  Further Information or Questions. If you have questions, please call our church at 301-249-6300 or contact the All Saints Lutheran Church Scholarship Committee Leader. 

       ~ Thanks to Everyone for Supporting the All Saints Scholarship Program ~